Rules of the game
confirm your order with 50% down payment or covering the total cost
know the options of garments in /LAB and if you want something different, write us, we can surely solve it
Take your bust and hip measurements, check what size you are in /SIZES
considers that the garments are made by hand. Our delivery times are from 5 to 7 business days according to the order list
We do not make refunds of 100%. You must value the work, love and effort that we give to each hanker
Don`t limit or judge yourself, if you want to wear a harness, do it; If you want to use transparencies, donĀ“t waste more time!
Take a few minutes a day to admire, love and recharge your energy in front of the mirror ... it is valid to masturbate if you feel like it, explore and know yourself
we love, appreciate and respect the content they give us to share on our social networks that can be sure that we will not profit from such precious material
love your body as it is